Dear WTO Impact List Subscribers, ICDA is undergoing a radical change in its website interactivity. It is for this reason that we have set up an interactive survey on what you think about the Impact List. After conferring with some subscribers, it appears there are varied opinions regarding the regularity with which many read the Impact List. We find this very good as it therefore becomes a good springboard to test the waters and find out how possible it is for people to read the list, rather than postpone it for later. Information Overload is much more scarier than we all think. We would therefore appreciate your honest answers so that we can better provide you with a service that has long been an ICDA tradition.

ICDA Webmaster


Do you find the Impact List Useful?

What aspects do you find useful? (Check all that apply)

Editor's Comments
All of the above
None of the above

How many times do you read the list in a week? (Check only those that apply ONCE)

Twice a week
Three times a week
Four times a week
Other times:

How many times would you like to see the list in a week? (Check only those that apply ONCE)

Three times a week
Five times a week
Other times:

Your Email:

Any comments? Please make them below!:

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